Friday, April 20, 2012

Stilllll Waitingg


Still, still waiting.   I now needed to send in a copy of my diploma.  I sent my official transcripty thing from the uni which hopefully should cover it but ahhh.

Anyway, aside from the waiting, in a few days it will 100 days till I leave!  I can't believe we are finally down to double digits, in some ways it seems only yesterday like we were in the 200's but then that also feels like ages ago, and another 100 days seems so incredibly far away.

Apart from waiting, and waiting, and refreshing my emails, I've still been interning at the Starlight Foundation.  It's cool, a lot of work but I've brought in a fair bit of money for the organisation and have got to do some very cool things.  The event is called Five Chefs, and they bring 5 top chefs from each state to put on a five course dinner at the very accessible price of $500 per person to raise money for Starlights programs.  It's Starlight's biggest annual fundraiser and there is still so much to do with only about 6 weeks to go!  Ahh.  So at least that is keeping me occupied.

I've also been working a fair bit which is tiring me out like crazy but at least I will have plenty of funds to splurge at Disney!

I guess the only other thing that is keeping me distracted from Disney would be my grad job applications. I've had a few rejects but overall things are progressing nicely.  Fingers crossed!  And if I don't get one, I guess I'll just spend another 6 months at Disney!  Tough life.

Anyway, I thought it was time to update you all - it wasn't very Disney related but it may have given you a bit more of an idea of who I am.  Ooh  that was corny.  Annywayyyy.  I will update as soon as anything Disney-esque comes through.

Over and out.

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