Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

22 January 2012


I've been stalking a lot of the January 2012 Disney starters blogs and  there is one hugely apparent trend, that being, they have no time to update/write.  So I've decided I'm going to update once a week on anything thats been going on.  Lately, there hasn't been much at all, so this week I decided to post one of my favourite songs (that pretty much won me a trip to Fiji last year, but that's another story) who teamed up with Disney to do a remix of some sort.  

I think I need a theme song for my Disney adventure, if anyone has any idea's post them below :)


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

T Minus 200 Days!

Til D Day!!

As one of my fellow cast members posted on our cute little Disney Aus/NZ Facebook group, it is 200 days to go! Ahh cue screaming.  Although its weird being in America and starting to look at things like flights back to America.  Odd.  I have one week left here so once I get back I can start getting organised.  Although, Disney have said not to do anything till April when we can start submitting visa forms etc.   

I'm fairly flexible with when I want leave, as I don't think I'll arrive in the US too much earlier, I'd prefer just to get over the jet lag and start, but I could be persuaded to detour via NYC.  So with that in mind I'll just wait till around April to book flights, V Australia tend to have their sale flights around three months before the date.   I think I'll also just book the return ticket for a late date in January, but that will depend on if I get a grad job or not.  either way, Im thinking I'll leave around the 25th of Jan.

Oh yeah, that is me >>>
In case you were dying to know.

And as promised here are some Disneyland pics!

Tower of Terror
California Adventure Park

Magic Castle!  (There was a photo with me out front but it's gone MIA)

Tea Cups!

Magic Castle at Night! 
My favourite photo of the day!

The End.