Thursday, August 2, 2012

I made it!

Apologies, this entry is going to be All over the place, half of it was writtenon the plane, a third after no sleep for thirty plus hours, and the rest just then.

Blog entry one

So I hadn't left the airport and i had already accepted drugs from strangers. Drug of choice being a hot pink sleeping tablet with a name which I'm sure I've heard in the movies but cannot remember. Don't worry it didn't work.. There's only five hours left so there's still time but I highly doubt it.

When I write it like that it does sound kind of dumb however they were med students, Brian, lance and Brian. and their story all matched up so at the time it seemed like a good idea. (famous last words?) But they were all very nice, and killed the forty or so minutes we had to wait to board. They live near Disneyland!! Although they did say the novelty died off once they had to start paying for entry - lucky, I get in for free! Anyway most of them had been studying from '04, '05 and '06 but they won't graduate till 2015!!! Crazy so glad I'm done. They also said walmart is always good to boost lift self esteem. Imma check that out. Virgin also have a seat chat thing so you could chat during the flight so the last hour went by fast because it took so long to type on the weird controls.

Anyway the planes pretty empty which is lovely as the seat next to me is empty and the guy next to the empty seat let me use the empty seat - still no luck sleeping though. He also said my sleeping tablet looked like an ecstasy tablet. I think we are in the all clear now, consider I took it about 6 hours ago.

Anyway I'm really bored which is why I typed all that, I also took a photo of my plane food because I'm cool like that, I'll upload if I remember. Five hours to go!!

Oh yeah, Alanna suggested to blog about three things I miss, so I figured I would do that now but I'll also do three things I'm looking forward to!

3 things I miss
My pillow
Leg room

3 things I'm looking forward too
Checking in at the hotel
Meeting all the other Australians.
Going to walmart.

Ohh this is all out of order but I can't be bothered re ordering it, and I'll have to edit the pictures in later because I can't seem to get Internet on my Mac only the iPad.

Anyway got through intimidating customers the fastest I've ever got through customs and got on a very full flight to Minneapolis. Haha so random. But that airport is huge! And made it t my gate with five minutes to spare. When they say you have a fuzzy head I actually know what that feels like and it is not very pleasant. My head felt like I had an eye mask on My forehead. But by the time we landed it had disappeared and I made the epic journey to baggage claim, got my baggage, figured out how to get the mears shuttle to the hotel got to the hotel, checked in, got lost finding my room,found my room, washed my hair logged onto Internet and fell asleep. And just woke up.

Ohh and I got upgraded to exit row in premium economy on my last flight which was nice.

I epically rushed the last half but I wanted to get it down before the fun starts. Lance, Brian, brian and Albert (my seat buddy) if somehow your reading, hope you have a nice life!

I definitely needed the walmart boost after the epic journey!

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